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This research article investigates the efficacy of ChatGPT, an AI-based language model developed by OpenAI, as a manuscript editing tool. The study’s design and methodology used to evaluate ChatGPT’s usefulness in editing are described, and a detailed analysis of the study results is presented, highlighting ChatGPT’s strengths and weaknesses in manuscript editing. The literature review establishes the importance of manuscript editing and the challenges associated with traditional editing methods while also discussing the advantages of AI-based editing tools. While previous studies have shown the potential benefits of AI technology in manuscript editing, further research is needed to investigate more complex issues and cultural nuances. This research article adds to the growing literature on the use of AI in manuscript editing, providing valuable insights into ChatGPT’s benefits and limitations as an editing tool for authors. By improving the quality of the work, providing constructive feedback, and streamlining the editing process, ChatGPT can aid authors in producing high-quality work more efficiently.

How to Cite
Tran NV, Nguyen DNC, Nguyen DH, Nguyen HQ, Nguyen VT, Trinh H, Pham T, Pham N, Nguyen T, Vu LT, Nguyen T, Nguyen T, Nguyen DT, Nguyen T. How to Edit a Manuscript with Assistance of ChatGPT. TTU J Biomed Sci [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];2(1):51-64. Available from:

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